WOMEN DEFENDING their territory
The research presented on this site is the result of a four-month collaboration between the Friedrich-Ebert Foundation, through the Regional Project for Social-Ecological Transformation in Latin America, and the international organization Climate Tracker, in which 12 scholarships were awarded. training for young journalists from different countries in the region, where issues of investigative journalism, climate change and the Escazú Agreement were deepened. The training also had a personalized accompaniment with each journalist with the aim of supporting the investigation of profiles of environmental defenders in Latin America. These investigations were published in national media and are compiled on this site “Defensoras del Territorio. Stories of women who defend life and territory in Latin America”.
The stories presented here tell of the struggle of 12 women defenders of territory, life and human rights. These stories cover México, Guatemala, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú, Venezuela, Bolivia, Brasil, Uruguay, Chile y Argentina, exposing extractivism and the damage caused by various extractive activities such as oil, mega-mining, logging, monocultures of trees, as well as the diversion of rivers for the construction of dams and the installation of wind farms in rural territories, but above all the struggles of these women, their lives, and inspirations to continue defending and protecting their territories, the places where they and their families live.
For more information on the activities of FES Transformación visit the website: fes-transformacion.fes.de/